Co-workers at a meeting table discussing supplier contract audit and renegotiation plans

Direct Data Access to Kroger Lavante Portal for Real-Time Invoice Status & Dispute Details

Driving a Collaborative Ecosystem

Supplier Connect, PRGX’s comprehensive inquiry management platform, empowers Kroger Lavante users to streamline processes, drive automation, and improve collaboration. By connecting retailers and suppliers on a unified platform, PRGX Supplier Connect™ plays a crucial role in building stronger relationships. As a feature of this comprehensive platform, the PRGX Supplier Connect™ Direct Data Access provides direct access to the essential data to enable your automation needs to further drive essential transparency and efficiency.

Real-time Data Available through PRGX Supplier Connect™ Direct Data Access

PRGX Supplier Connect™ Direct Data Access provides real-time access the to the following invoice, deduction, and dispute data:

  • Invoices & Invoice Deduction Lines
  • Payments
  • Promo Invoices & Promo Lines
  • Deduction Disputes
  • Coupon Deductions & Coupon Deduction Lines
Supplier Connect API

How to Get Direct Data Access

Step One: Sign up for Direct Data Access

To sign up for PRGX Supplier Connect™ Direct Data Access, fill in the form below.

Step Two: Store Your Access Information

Once granted access, save Instructions and Necessary Keys and Secrets in a secure location.

Step Three: Make Your First Integration

Receive the instruction guide and start interacting to pull data.

Contact Information

For inquiries and Direct Data Access please fill out this form and we’ll get back to you.


Suppliers and their customers desire a smooth and collaborative experience for sharing invoice status, payment, and deduction details, along with a platform to address and resolve disputes. With a substantial user base exceeding tens of thousands in our PRGX Lavante & Supplier Connect solutions, we consistently receive positive feedback about how our solution adds significant value to their whole business health.
two business women shaking hands, reducing friction in the retailer-vendor relationship

"We are excited about the 'one-stop-shop' for all our disputes/claims/questions."

"It streamlines our internal resolution process."

"We’ve seen an improved turnaround time on our typical dispute processes."

"System moves great, it’s very user-friendly!"

Supplier Connect